My Publications
<h1>Wan Hussain Wan Ishak</h1>Associate Prof.<br>School of Computing (SOC), Universiti Utara Malaysia, <br>Room: 2079  Ext: 5150<br> Email:, URL:
Associate Prof.
School of Computing (SOC), UUM
Room: 2079 Ext: 5150

Academic@School of Computing, UUM

Academic@SOC, UUM



School of Computing, UUM: Malaysia (ISBN 978-967-2276-15-9)<br>Mohd Rushdi Idrus, Rosmadi Bakar, Fazli Azzali, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Nor Farzana Abd Ghani

2019: Computer Applications in Management: An Introduction
School of Computing, UUM: Malaysia (ISBN 978-967-2276-15-9)

School of Computing, UUM: Malaysia (ISBN 978-967-2276-14-2)<br>Azizi Abas, Yousef Fazea, Juhaida Abu Bakar, Noradila Nordin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Rohaya Dahari & Mohamad Farhan Mohamad Mohsin

2019: Computer Applications in Management: Office Automation Systems and Advance Topics
School of Computing, UUM: Malaysia (ISBN 978-967-2276-14-2)

School of Computing, UUM: Malaysia (ISBN 978-967-2276-06-7)<br>Mohd Rushdi Idrus, Rosmadi Bakar, Noradila Nordin, Rohaya Dahari, Juhaida Abu Bakar, Yousef Fazea, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Azizi Abas, Fazli Azzali & Nor Farzana Abd Ghani

2019: Computer Applications in Management
School of Computing, UUM: Malaysia (ISBN 978-967-2276-06-7)

Penerbit UNIMAP: Malaysia (ISBN 978-967-5415-69-2)<br>Zulikha Jamaludin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak

2014: Membina Blog Pemasaran
Penerbit UNIMAP: Malaysia (ISBN 978-967-5415-69-2)

Penerbit UUM: Malaysia (ISBN 978-967-5311-31-4)<br>Zulikha Jamaludin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak

2010: Do It Yourself: Bina Laman Sesawang-Statik & Dinamik
Penerbit UUM: Malaysia (ISBN 978-967-5311-31-4)

Pearson Prentice Hall: Malaysia (ISBN 978-983-3655-96-0)<br>Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Norita Md Norwawi, Nooraini Yusoff & Mohd Shamrie Sainin

2007: Pengaturcaraan Logic
Pearson Prentice Hall: Malaysia (ISBN 978-983-3655-96-0)


2023: Multidisplinary Applied Research and Innovation (MARI), Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Special Issue (1)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), e-ISSN : 2773-4773
Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Juhaida Ab Bakar, Nor’aisah Sudin, Shafinah Farvin Packeer Mohamad, Noradila Nordin,Mohamad Farhan Mohamad Mohsin
2022: Proceedings of the Inspirational Scholar Symposium (ISS), 16-17 November 2021, Vitual Conference, UUM
Universiti Utara Malaysia. ISSN 2805-5586
Fauziah Abdul Rahim, Sarimah Shaik Abdullah, Izwan Nizal Mohd Shaharanee, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhlina Md Pudzi, Norhidayah Mohd Kaharuddin, Raihanah Hasaniah Abdullah
2021: Multidisplinary Applied Research and Innovation (MARI), Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): Proceeding of Innovative Research, Invention and Application Exhibition (I-RIA 2021)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), e-ISSN : 2773-4773
Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Juhaida Abu Bakar, Shafinah Farvin Packeer Mohamed, Cik Fazilah Hibadullah, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Mohamad Farhan Mohamad Mohsin
2021: Proceedings of the Inspirational Scholar Symposium (ISS), 10-11 November 2020, Vitual Conference, UUM
Universiti Utara Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-16241-6-6
Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar, Hasniza Nordin, Izwan Nizal Mohd Shaharanee, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhlina Md Pudzi, Norhidayah Mohd Kaharuddin, Raihanah Hasaniah Abdullah, Suhaida Abdullah
2020: Proceedings of the Inspirational Scholar Symposium (ISS), 12-13 December 2019, International Convention Center (ICC), Hatyai, Thailand
Universiti Utara Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-16241-2-8
Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar, Hasniza Nordin, Izwan Nizal Mohd Shaharanee, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin
2016: Collections of slides from ASEAN-JAPAN Research Forum, Kansai University of International Studies, 11 May 2016
Universiti Utara Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-0910-22-2
Zulikha Jamaludin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Suwannit Chareen
2015: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computing & Informatics (ICOCI)
Universiti Utara Malaysia. ISBN:978-967-0910-01-7, e-ISBN: 978-967-0910-02-4. ISSN: 2289-3784 [Indexed by: WOS, Google Scholar]
Zulikha Jamaludin, Noraziah ChePa, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Syamsul Bahrin Zibon
2012: Proceedings of the 6th Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe)
Universiti Utara Malaysia: Malaysia. ISBN: 978-983-2078-65-4, e-ISBN 978-983-2078-66-1 [Indexed by: WOS, Google Scholar]
Fauziah Baharom, Massudi Mahmuddin, Yuhanis Yusof, Nor Laily Hashim, Shahizan Hassan, Nor Iadah Yusop, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak and Mohamed Ali Saip
2010: Proceedings of Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe)
Universiti Utara Malaysia: Malaysia. ISBN: 978-983-2078-39-5, e-ISBN: 978-983-2078-40-1 [Indexed by: WOS, Google Scholar]
Fauziah Baharom, Massudi Mahmuddin, Yuhanis Yusof, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak and Mohamed Ali Saip
2008: Proceedings of Knowledge management International Conference (KMICe), Vol 1 & 2
Universiti Utara Malaysia: Malaysia. ISBN: 978-983-3827-72-5, eISBN: 978-983-3827-73-2 [Indexed by: WOS, Google Scholar]
Nor Laily Hashim, Norshuhada Shiratuddin, Fauziah Baharom, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Uma A/P S. Kanniah, Shafinah Farvin Packeer Mohamed, Doris Wong Hooi Ten, Maryanti Mesran, Stephanie Ann James

Chapters in Book

  1. 2018: Kelestarian Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Melalui Teknologi ICT
    In Roos Niza Mohd Shariff & Rohana Yusof, Pembangunan Modal Insan (ISBN 978-967-0910-40-6), pp: 81-98, Northern Corridor Research Centre; Sintok
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  2. 2018: Penggunaan Aplikasi Web 2.0 Dalam Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran
    In Roos Niza Mohd Shariff & Rohana Yusof, Pembangunan Modal Insan (ISBN 978-967-0910-40-6), pp: 99-118, Northern Corridor Research Centre; Sintok
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Amlus Ibrahim
  3. 2015: Transforming SABC: Turning to Knowledge Portal for Information SharingView HTML
    In Rosliza Mat Zin (Ed.), Case Studies in Management and Business (ISBN 978-967-0876-29-X), vol. 2, 75-94. UUMPress, Malaysia.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin and Zakirah Othman
  4. 2006: Sistem Pintar dalam Konteks Persekitaran Koridor Raya Multimedia: Keperluan dan IntegrasiView HTML
    In Abdul Manaf Bohari (Ed.), Isu-isu Kontemporari Koridor Raya Multimedia: Inovasi Teknologi (ISBN 978-983-3655-13-7), pp: 135-142, Pearson Sdn Bhd., Malaysia.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak and Fadhilah Mat Yamin


  1. 2025: Web server log data pre-processing for mining zakat user profile using association rulesView HTML
    International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 2025 Vol.26 No.1/2, pp.46 - 65. DOI: 10.1504/IJBIDM.2025.143925
    Mohamad Farhan Mohamad Mohsin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Yuhanis Yusof, Jastini Mohd Jamil, Alwi Ahmad
  2. 2024: Development and usability analysis of EfloraCyntok: A Digital Botanical Repository for Herbal Plant Conservation.View HTML
    Journal of Technology and Operations Management, 19(2), 1-8.
    Fadhilah Binti Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Bin Wan Ishak, Nur Syazwani binti Mohd Nawi, Fatin Liyana Binti Abdul Hamid
  3. 2024: Development of Efloracyntok for the Conservation and Research of Herbal Plants at Universiti Utara MalaysiaView HTML
    International Journal of Innovation, Vol 1, Issue 2, pp: 84-87, December 2024, eISSN 3030-6590
    Wan Hussain Bin Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Binti Mat Yamin, Nur Syazwani binti Mohd Nawi, Fatin Liyana Binti Abdul Hamid
  4. 2024: The Transformative Evolution of Conference Management SystemsView HTML
    Journal of Digital System Development, 2(2), 126–135.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Mohamad Farhan Bin Mohamad Mohsin, Mohd Fitri Mansor, Abdullah Husin
  5. 2024: Transforming Agriculture: An Insight into Decision Support Systems in Precision FarmingView HTML
    Journal of Applied Data Sciences (ISSN 2723-6471), 5(4), December 2024, pp. 1614-1624, doi:
    Ding Yi, Luo Jun, Gao Haodi, Zhang Xing,Ye Li, Siti Sarah Maidin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Walton Wider
  6. 2024: User Requirement for Web-Based Proceedings RepositoryView HTML
    Journal of Digital System Developments, 2(1), 87-100.
    Norsyahira Shamilla Che Mohd Sakri & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  7. 2024: Database-Specific Keyword Frequency Analysis in Merged Web Log Data: A Preprocessing MethodView HTML
    Data Science Insights, 2(1), 45-52. Retrieved from
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Nurul Farhana Ismail, Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Abdullah Husin
  8. 2024: Customer Satisfaction Towards Onsite Restaurant Interactive Self-Service Technology (ORISST)View HTML
    Data Science Insights, 2(1), 35-44. Retrieved from
    Por Eng Choo, Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  9. 2023: A Comparative Review of Conference Management SystemView HTML
    Journal of Technology and Operations Management, 18(2), 87-93.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Mohamad Farhan Bin Mohamad Mohsin, Mohd Fitri Mansor
  10. 2023: MyBuddy for Early Detection of School Disengagement:User Assessment of Interaction ElementsView HTML
    Borneo International Journal, eISSN 2636-9826; Vol. 6 (4), 39-45
    Noraziah Chepa, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ahmad Hanis Mohd Shabli
  11. 2023: MyLife - Web-based Personalised DiaryView HTML
    Borneo International Journal, eISSN 2636-9826; Vol. 6 (4), 46-51
    Lee Tzong Ying , Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  12. 2023: A Quantitative Based Research on the Production of Image CaptioningView HTML
    International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 11(4), 816–830
    Samuel-Soma M. Ajibade, Abdelhamid Zaidi, Siti Sarah Maidin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Adedotun Adetunla
  13. 2023: Assessing Student ICT Knowledge Through Survey and Hands-On TaskView HTML
    Journal of Data Science Insights, 1(1), 1–7
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Abdullah Husin
  14. 2023: Comparison of Machine Learning Models in Forecasting Reservoir Water LevelView HTML
    Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology 31, Issue 3 (2023) 137-144
    Mohammad Amimul Ihsan Aquil & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  15. 2022: Web-Based Book Recommender System: Design and ImplementationView HTML
    International Journal of Synergy in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 2, 42-51, eISSN 27350622
    Nurameera Sofea Rosli, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  16. 2022: Design and Development of Web-Based Appointment SystemView HTML
    International Journal of Undergraduate Research 3 (2): 06-13, DOI : 10.26666/rmp.ijur.2022.2.2, e-ISSN: 2682-8189
    Ku Norazra Nabilah Binti Ku Zamri, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  17. 2022: Usability Study on Interesting Place Recommendation SystemView HTML
    International Journal of Undergraduate Research 3 (2): 14-19, DOI: 10.26666/rmp.ijur.2022.2.3, e-ISSN: 2682-8189
    See Yong Shu, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  18. 2021: Intention to use Mobile Technology: An Extended Technology Acceptance ModelView HTML
    Journal of Engineering Research and Education (JERE), 13, 61-72, ISSN: 1823-2981, E-ISSN: 2232-1098
    L. Thaneshan, Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Siti Norezam Othman & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  19. 2021: The Use of a Game to Teach Enterprise Resource PlanningView HTML
    Journal of Engineering Research and Education (JERE), 13, 14-21, ISSN: 1823-2981, E-ISSN: 2232-1098
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Norsiah Hami
  20. 2021: Automobile Service Management and Reminder SystemView HTML
    Journal of Engineering Research and Education (JERE), 13, 1-13, ISSN: 1823-2981, E-ISSN: 2232-1098
    Chitramugil Raman, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  21. 2021: Evaluation of scratch and pre-trained convolutional neural networks for the classification of Tomato plant diseasesView HTML
    IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), 10(2), 467-475, ISSN:2089-4872 EISSN: 2252-8938
    Mohammad Amimul Ihsan AquiL & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  22. 2021: Recommender System for Multiple Databases Based on Web Log MiningView HTML
    Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), 5(5), 187-193, ISSN: 2516-0281, EISSN: 2516-029X
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & and Nurul Farhana Ismail
  23. 2020: Predicting Software Defects using Machine Learning TechniquesView HTML
    International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE), 9(4), 6609-6616, EISSN: 2278-3091
    Mohammad Amimul Ihsan Aquil & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  24. 2020: Collaborative Tourist Information Sharing SystemView HTML
    International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE), 9(4), 5565-5569, EISSN: 2278-3091
    Andriyanto Alif Mirza, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  25. 2020: Student Acceptance on Game to Support Teaching and LearningView HTML
    International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE), 9(3), 2517-2521, EISSN: 2278-3091
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  26. 2020: Penguasaan Semasa E-Kemahiran dalam Kalangan Pelajar UUM: Cabaran Dalam Era IR4.0View HTML
    Journal of Business Management and Accounting (JBMA), 10(1), 29-45, ISSN: 2231-9298, eISSN: 2636-9249
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  27. 2019: Forecasting the Flood Stage of A Reservoir Based on the Changes in Upstream Rainfall PatternView HTML
    Journal of Technology and Operations Management, 14, No. 2 (December) 2019, pp: 46–52 DOI: 10.32890/jtom2019.14.2.8726 ISSN (Online): 2590-4175
    Raja Nurul Mardhiah Raja Mohamad & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  28. 2019: Literasi ICT dalam Kalangan Pelajar Sarjana MudaView HTML
    International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 4 (32), 50-57 DOI: 10.35631/IJEPC.432006 ISSN (Online): 0128-164X
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  29. 2019: Extreme Rainfall Forecasting Model Based on Descriptive Indices
    Journal of Technology and Operations Management, 14, No. 1 (July) 2019, pp: 35–52 ISSN (Online): 2590-4175
    Yasir Hilal Hadi, Ku Ruhana Ku-Mahamud & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  30. 2017: A subject identification method based on term frequency techniqueView HTML
    International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR), Vol. 7, Issue-30 May-2017, pp. 103-110 ISSN (Print):2249-7277  ISSN (Online):2277-7970
    Nurul Syafidah Jamil, Ku Ruhana Ku-Mahamud, Aniza Mohamed Din, Faudziah Ahmad, Noraziah ChePa, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Roshidi Din and Farzana Kabir Ahmad
  31. 2016: Modeling Reservoir Water Release Decision using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference SystemView HTML
    Journal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT), 15(2), Dec 2016, pp. 141-152
    Suriyati Abdul Mokhtar, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Norita Md Norwawi
  32. 2016: E-Skills of Undergraduate StudentsView HTML
    Journal of Education and Social Sciences, ISSN 2289-9855, Vol. 4, (June), pp. 314-318
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  33. 2016: Student Acceptance on Document Sharing: Learning Management System vs Online StorageView HTML
    Journal of Education and Social Sciences, ISSN 2289-9855, Vol. 4, (June), pp. 57-61
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  34. 2016: Investigating the Spatial Relationship between the Upstream Gauging Stations and the ReservoirView HTML
    Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 503-506, November 2016. doi: 10.12720/joams.4.6.503-506
    Suriyati Abdul Mokhtar, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, & Norita Md Norwawi
  35. 2015: Modelling of Human Expert Decision Making in Reservoir OperationView HTML
    Journal Teknologi, 77(22), 1-5, eISSN: 2180-3722
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud & Norita Md Norwawi
  36. 2015: Continuous Use of Online Storage System for Document SharingView HTML
    Journal Teknologi, 77(5), 23-27, eISSN: 2180-3722
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  37. 2015: Neural Network Application in the Change of Reservoir Water Level Stage ForecastingView HTML
    Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(13), 70634, July 2015. DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i13/70634
    Nur Athirah Ashaary, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud
  38. 2015: Does User Search Behaviour Mediate User Knowledge and Search Satisfaction?View HTML
    International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues (IJEFI), 5, pp. 34-39
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, T. Ramayah, & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  39. 2014: Object-Based Knowledge Representation of Female Related Issues from the Holy QuranView HTML
    Journal of ICT, 13, pp: 145-161
    Ku-Mahamud, K.R., Din, A.M., ChePa, N., Ahmad, F, Wan Ishak, W.H., Ahmad, F.K., & Din, R.
  40. 2013: Information Searching: The Impact of User Knowledge on User Search BehaviorView HTML
    J. Info. Know. Mgmt.12(3), pp: 1350023 (10 pages)
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, T. Ramayah and Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  41. 2013: Knowledge representation using semantic network for female related issues from the Holy QuranView HTML
    Global Journal on Technology [Online]. 2013, 3, pp 1080-1086. Available from: Proceedings of 3rd World Conference on Information Technology (WCIT-2012), 14-16 November 2012, University of Barcelon, Barcelona, Spain
    Mahamud, R., K., K., Chepa, N., Din, M., A., Ahmad, F., Ishak, W., H., W., Ahmad, K., F. & Din R.
  42. 2013: Search Interface to Capture Searchers BehaviourView HTML
    International Journal of Computing Academic Research (ISSN 2305-9184), 2(2), pp: 67-74
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, T. Ramayah & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  43. 2012: The Usage of LMS among Undergraduate StudentsView HTML
    International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (ISSN: 2279 - 0764), 1(2), pp. 39-42
    Kung Siew Min, Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  44. 2012: Modelling Resevoir Water Release Decision Using Temporal Data Mining and Neural NetworkView HTML
    International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISSN 2250-2459 (Online),  Vol. 2, No. 8, pp: 422-428
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ku Ruhana Ku-Mahamud & Norita Md Morwawi
  45. 2011: Neural Network Application in Reservoir Water Level Forecasting and Release DecisionView HTML
    International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications (IJNCAA) ISSN 2220-9085 (Online), Vol. 1, No. 2, pp:265-274
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ku Ruhana Ku-Mahamud & Norita Md Morwawi
  46. 2011: Mining Temporal Reservoir Data Using Sliding Window TechniqueView HTML
    CiiT International Journal of Data Mining Knowledge Engineering ISSN 0974 - 9683 (Print) 0974-9578 (Online), Vol. 3, No. 8,  (Jun 2011), pp: 473-478  DOI: DMKE062011004
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ku Ruhana Ku-Mahamud & Norita Md Morwawi
  47. 2011: Conceptual Model of Intelligent Decision Support System Based on Naturalistic Decision Theory for Reservoir Operation during Emergency Situation
    IJCEE: International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering, 11(2), 06-11, ISSN: 2077-1258
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ku Ruhana Ku-Mahamud & Norita Md Morwawi
  48. 2011: A Review Note of KMICe 2010: Knowledge Management Initiatives to Improve Organization Performance
    American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 3(1), pp: 219-223 DOI: 10.3844/ajebasp.2011.219.223 ISSN: 1945-5488
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  49. 2011: A Virtual Repository Approach to Departmental Information Sharing
    American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 3(1), pp: 18-23 DOI: 10.3844/ajebasp.2011.18.23 ISSN: 1945-5488
    Zulikha Jamaluddin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  50. 2010: Reservoir Water Level Forecasting Model Using Neural Network
    International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (IJCIR), 6(4), pp: 947-952
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud & Norita Md Norwawi
  51. 2003: A Framework for Multi-Backpropagation
    Jurnal Analisis 10(1), pp. 59-68, Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadzilah Siraj & Abu Talib Othman
  52. 2002: Multi-Backpropagation in Predicting Myocardial Infraction Disease
    Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat, Jun 2002, Jilid 14 Bil 1, pp: 1 - 8. Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Sistem Maklumat, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadzilah Siraj & Abu Talib Othman
  53. 2002: Artificial Intelligence in Medical Application: An Exploration
    Health Informatics Europe Journal [Online]. (Online article at:
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadzilah Siraj
  54. 2001: Pendekatan Rangkaian Neural Bagi Sistem Pengecaman Tandatangan Tulisan TanganView HTML
    Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat, Jun 2001, Jilid 13 Bil. 1, PP: 23-41. Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Sistem Maklumat, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
    Fadzilah Siraj, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin

Articles in Magazine

  1. 2003: Demonstrating Prolog Usage: Building a Simple Game Program
    PCAI (, 17(4), pp.: 38 - 42
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  2. 2001: Kepintaran Buatan
    Dunia Islam (February 2001). Kuala Lumpur; Current Fleet Publishing. pp: 60-61
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  3. 2001: Kepintaran Buatan dan Pembangunan Negara
    Dunia Islam (April 2001). Kuala Lumpur; Current Fleet Publishing. pp: 57-58
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  4. 2001: Tutor Pintar Dalam Pendidikan
    Dunia Islam (May 2001). Kuala Lumpur; Current Fleet Publishing. pp: 57-58
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  5. 2001: Aplikasi Kepintaran Buatan Dalam Perubatan
    Dunia Islam (July 2001). Kuala Lumpur; Current Fleet Publishing. p: 58
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak

Articles in Proceedings

  1. 2024: Early Detection of School Disengagement Using MyBuddy Application
    In: Zakaria, N.H., Mansor, N.S., Husni, H., Mohammed, F. (eds) Computing and Informatics. ICOCI 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2002. Springer, Singapore.
    Noraziah ChePa, Ahmad Hanis Mohd Shabli, Azizi Ab Aziz, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Laura Lim Sei Yi
  2. 2024: Unlocking the Potential of Enhancing User Experience in Portal GREaT: Cultivating Great Ideas Through Brainwriting Method
    In: Zakaria, N.H., Mansor, N.S., Husni, H., Mohammed, F. (eds) Computing and Informatics. ICOCI 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2002. Springer, Singapore.
    Fauziah Baharom, Rohaida Romli, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Haslina Mohd, Yuhanis Yusof, Mohamed Ali Saip, Osman Ghazali, Rahayu Ahmad, Mohd Hasbullah Omar, Suzilah Ismail, Juhaida Abu Bakar, Salwati Badroddin
  3. 2023: Web-Based Personalised Diary
    Proceedings of Innovative Research Invention & Application Exhibition (I-RIA), pp:196-199
    Lee Tzong Ying, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  4. 2023: Web-Based Personalized Stamp Album
    Proceedings of Innovative Research Invention & Application Exhibition (I-RIA), pp:222-225
    Low Xin Yin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  5. 2023: Modernizing of Plant Records Management: A Case Study of UUM’s Herbs Garden
    Proceeding of the 8th International Case Study Conference , 30 August-1 September 2023, Ibis Melaka Hotel, Bandar Melaka, Malaysia, 264-272
    Nur Syazwani binti Mohd Nawi, Fadhilah Binti Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Bin Wan Ishak, Siti Nur Aziah binti Abdul Wahab, Fatin Liyana Binti Abdul Hamid
  6. 2023: Isu Kemiskinan Digital dalam kalangan Pendidik Luar Bandar di Negeri Kedah
    Prosiding Persidangan Kebangsaan Ekonomi Malaysia Ke–16, 5 Ogos 2023, “Ketahanan dan Keterangkuman dalam Memacu Pemulihan Ekonomi di Era Ketidakpastian Geo-Politik”, Editors: Hazrul Izuan Shahiri, Nasir Saukani, Farhana Sidek, eISSN: 3009-0466, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Pg: 143-141
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Hapini Awang, Nur Syazwani Mohd. Nawi, Md. Tajudin Morad, Mira Habshah Shamshazreen Samsulkamal
  7. 2023: Web-based automobile service reminder systemView HTML
    AIP Conference Proceedings 16 August 2023; 2582 (1): 020009.
    Chitramugil Raman, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  8. 2023: Game in teaching and learning: Student’s acceptance and its impact on their learningView HTML
    AIP Conference Proceedings 16 August 2023; 2582 (1): 020010.
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Norsiah Hami
  9. 2023: Web-based Proceedings Article RepositoryView HTML
    Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation Vol. 4 No. 1(2023) 128-132, e-ISSN:2773-4773, DOI:
    Norsyahira Shamilla Che Mohd Sakri, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  10. 2023: A Web-based Application for Food RecommendationView HTML
    Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation Vol.4 No. 1(2023) 082-086, e-ISSN:2773-4773, DOI:
    Yung Chee Kai, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  11. 2022: Boring FB Page? What’s Wrong?View HTML
    Proceedings of the 7th International Case Study Conference (ICSC), Raia Hotel & Convention Centre, Terengganu, Malaysia, September 13-15, 2022. e-ISSN: 2756-8482
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Siti Zakiah Abu Bakar
  12. 2022: A Web-based Application for Interesting Place RecommendationView HTML
    International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA) 2022, pp. 215-220, doi: 10.1109/DASA54658.2022.9765149, ISBN: 978-1-6654-9501-1
    See Yong Shu, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  13. 2022: Enhancing Student Performance through Targeted Support
    Proceedings of the Inspirational Scholar Symposium (ISS) 2021, 373-380, ISSN: 2805-5586
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  14. 2021: Interesting Place Recommender System for TouristsView HTML
    Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation, 2(3), 081-085. e-ISSN : 2773-4773 Retrieved from
    Shu See Yong & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  15. 2021: Book Recommender SystemView HTML
    Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation, 2(3), 086-089. e-ISSN : 2773-4773 Retrieved from
    Nurameera Sofea Rosli & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  16. 2021: Nak Jual Produk? Jom Guna Facebook Page
    Proceedings of the 6th International Case Study Conference (ICSC), EISSN: 2756-8482, 14-15 September 2021, Universiti Utara Malaysia, pp: 137-145
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Siti Zakiah Abu Bakar
  17. 2021: Web Based System for Planning and Managing Vacation at Pangkor Island
    Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Technology and Operations Management (CTOM), ISBN 978-967-16241-2-8, 24-25 August 2021, pp: 366-376
    Vaishnavi Gunasegaran, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  18. 2020: Using "Hay Day" Game to Support Students Learning
    Proceedings of the Inspirational Scholar Symposium (ISS) 2019, ISBN 978-967-16241-2-8, 12-13 December 2019, International Convention Center (ICC), Hatyai, Thailand, pp: 44 - 49
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  19. 2019: IR4.0: A Case Study on the Mastery of E-Skill Among UUM Students
    Proceedings of the International Case Study Conference (ICSC), E-ISBN 978-967-11030-8-1, 24-26 November 2019, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, pp: 323-333
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  20. 2019: User Satisfaction of Information Display on Mobile Devices and Desktop Computer: A Comparative Study
    Proceedings of the International Seminar on Education, Management & Technology (SAPPT), 20 April 2019, Kangar, Perlis, pp: 7-11
    Tam Mei Thien, Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  21. 2019: User Acceptance on Facebook and Online Learning for Learning Purposes
    Proceedings of the International Seminar on Education, Management & Technology (SAPPT), 20 April 2019, Kangar, Perlis, pp: 12-16
    Liew Siat Jan, Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  22. 2019: Tahap Literasi ICT Pelajar: Suatu Tinjauan
    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economy, Social and Technology (ICEST), 23 March 2019, Cameron Highlands, Pahang, pp: 228-232
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  23. 2018: Aplikasi Mudah Alih Sebagai Alat Bantuan Pelancong
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Transformasi Sosio-Ekonomi Wilayah Utara ke-3, 2-3 Ogos 2018, Ipoh, Perak, pp: 93-100
    Gan Zhi Qiang & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  24. 2018: Forecasting Reservoir Water Level Based on the Change in Rainfall Pattern Using Neural Network
    Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Technology & Operations Management (2ndCTOM), ISBN 978-967-0910-82-6, pp.372-384
    Raja Nurul Mardhiah Raja Mohamad & W.H.W. Ishak
  25. 2017: Frequent Search Keyword Identification from the Search Log
    Proceedings of International Research Conference (IRC), 27-28 August 2017, Holiday Villa Hotel, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. ISBN 978-967-14835-2-7, pp: 93-99
    Nurul Farhana Ismail, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, & Faudziah Ahmad
  26. 2017: Rekabentuk Aktiviti dalam Teknologi Pembelajaran Elektronik: Satu Perkongsian
    Proceedings of International Research Conference (IRC), 27-28 August 2017, Holiday Villa Hotel, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. ISBN 978-967-14835-2-7, pp: 252-261
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  27. 2017: Does the Blended Learning and Student Centered Learning Method Increase Student's Performance?
    Proceedings of the 1st Inspirational Scholar Symposium (ISS 2016), EDC UUM, Kedah, pp. 8-17, ISBN 978-967-0910-32-1
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  28. 2017: Kesan Pembelajaran Elektronik ke atas Kemahiran ICT Pelajar
    eProceeding National Innovation and Invention Competition Through Exhibition (iCompEx'17)
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  29. 2016: Learning Management System and Online Storage: A Study on Student Acceptance
    Proceeding - Kuala Lumpur International Communication, Education, Language and Social (ISBN: 978-967-13952-5-7), 227-234
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  30. 2016: Assessing IT Competencies among Undergraduate Students
    Proceeding - Kuala Lumpur International Communication, Education, Language and Social (ISBN: 978-967-13952-5-7), 234-240
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  31. 2016: Digital Repository for Proceedings Article
    Proceedings of National Innovation and Invention Competition through Exhibition (iCompEx'16), ISBN 9789670830186
    Abdirizak Sai'id Ghedi, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Norliza Katuk
  32. 2016: Penerimaan dan Kepuasan Pelajar Terhadap Penggunaan Sistem Pengurusan Pembelajaran
    Proceedings of National Innovation and Invention Competition through Exhibition (iCompEx'16), ISBN 9789670830186
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  33. 2015: Forecasting Model for the Change of Reservoir Water Level Stage Based on Temporal Pattern of Reservoir Water Level
    Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computing & Informatics (ICOCI), pp. 692-697
    Nur Athirah Ashaary, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, and Ku Ruhana Ku-Mahamud
  34. 2015: Penggunaan Teknologi ICT dalam Melestarikan P&P bagi Memacu Sosio-Ekonomi Negara
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Transformasi Sosio-Ekonomi NCER Kali Ke-2, Sungai Petani, Kedah, 25-26 Februari 2015, pp. 324-334
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  35. 2015: Teknologi Web 2.0 dalam Menyokong Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Transformasi Sosio-Ekonomi NCER Kali Ke-2, Sungai Petani, Kedah, 25-26 Februari 2015, pp. 312-323
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Amlus Ibrahim
  36. 2015: Forecasting the Change of Reservoir Water Level Stage using Neural Network
    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences & Computer Engineering (ICMSCE 2015), pp.:103-107
    Nur Athirah Ashaary, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak and Ku Ruhana Ku-Mahamud
  37. 2014: Students Acceptance on Document Sharing through Online Storage System
    Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Education and Information Management (ICEIM-2014), 68-73
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Amlus Ibrahim
  38. 2014: Students Acceptance on Document Sharing through Learning Management System
    Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Education and Information Management (ICEIM-2014), 150-156
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Amlus Ibrahim
  39. 2014: Search Log Analysis Method to Uncover User Search Behaviour on Web Searching Environment
    Proceedings of International Conference on Research Methods in Management and Social Sciences (ICRMMS-2014), 139-151
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, T. Ramayah, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Siti Norezam Othman
  40. 2014: Modelling of Reservoir Water Release Decision Using Neural Network and Temporal Pattern of Reservoir Water LevelView HTML
    Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation (ISBN 978-1-4799-3857-5), pp. 127-130, DOI 10.1109/ISMS.2014.27
    Suriyati Abdul Mokhtar, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Norita Md Norwawi
  41. 2014: Pattern Discovery using K-Means AlgorithmView HTML
    International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ICIKM), Hammamet, Tunisia, 17-19 Jan 2014
    Almahdi Mohammed Ahmed, Norita Md Norwawi, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ahmed Alkilany
  42. 2013: Android-Based Application to Assist Doctor with Alzheimer's Patient
    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computing and Informatics, pp: 511-516
    Zaid A. Habash, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Mohd. Hasbullah Omar (2013)
  43. 2013: Internet Usage Among Undergraduate Student in Malaysia
    Proceedings of Rural ICT Development (RICTD) International Conference 2013, Melaka, MALAYSIA, 25 - 27 June 2013, 224-227 (ISBN (p)978-983-2078-74-6/(e)978-983-2078-75-3 )
    Yung Chiau Sian, Fadhilah Mat Yamin and Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  44. 2013: Content Management System for Academia Information Sharing
    Proceedings of Rural ICT Development (RICTD) International Conference 2013, Melaka, MALAYSIA, 25 - 27 June 2013, 99-103
    Azlina Ramli, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Jasni Ahmad
  45. 2012: Design, Purpose of Usage and the Impact of LMS on Student Learning: A Preliminary Findings
    Proceedings of the 6th Knowledge Management International Conference 2012, 673-676
    Kung Siew Min, Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  46. 2012: Semantic Network Representation of Female Related Issues from the Holy Quran
    Proceedings of the 6th Knowledge Management International Conference 2012, 726-730
    Ku Ruhana ku Mahamud, Faudziah Ahmad, Aniza Mohamed Din, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Farzana Kabir Ahmad, Roshidi Din, Noraziah Che Pa
  47. 2011: Intelligent Decision Support Model Based on Neural Network to Support Reservoir Water Release Decision
    In J.M. Zain et al. (Eds.): ICSECS 2011, Part I, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 179, pp. 365-379 ISBN: 978-3-642-22169-9. Springer LNCS
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Norita Md Norwawi
  48. 2011: Reservoir Water Release Decision Modelling
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing and Informatics (8-9 Jun 2011, Bandung, Indonesia), pp: 74-79
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Norita Md Norwawi
  49. 2010: User Acceptance of Online Registration System for the Library's WebOPAC
    RICTD Proceedings 2010: Rural ICT Development 3rd National Conference on Rural ICT Development, Nov. 23-25, 2010, EDC UUM, pp: 143- 148.
    Jasni Ahmad, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, & Budiman Ikhwandee Fadzilah
  50. 2010: A Virtual Repository Approach to Departmental Information Sharing
    In Fauziah Baharom, Massudi Mahmuddin, Yuhanis Yusof, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak and Mohamed Ali Saip, Proceedings of Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe) 25-27 May 2010, Primula Beach Resort, Kuala Terengganu. Universiti Utara Malaysia. Pp: 479-484 [Indexed: ISI Thomson]
    Zulikha Jamaludin and Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  51. 2010: Conceptual Framework for Intelligent Decision Support System in Emergency Management
    Proceedings of International Conference on Arts, Social Sciences & Technology (ICAST), 24-25 Feb. 2010, Gurney Hotel, Penang. UiTM Kedah.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Norita Md Norwawi
  52. 2009: Identifying Student and Organization Matching Pattern using Apriori Algorithm for Practicum PlacementView HTML
    Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 5-7 August 2009, Selangor, Malaysia, pp: 28-31. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICEEI.2009.5254821 [Indexed: IEEE; ISI Thomson; Scopus]
    Almahdi Mohammed Ahmed, Norita Md Norwawi, and Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  53. 2009: Sistem Penempatan Pelajar Praktikum Atas Talian Sebagai Gerbang Jaringan Universiti-Industri
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan e-Komuniti 2009
    Shahizan Hassan, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Mohd Azlan Yahya, Abdul Razak Chik
  54. 2008: KMICe eX: Conference Management Tool 
    Proceedings of Knowledge Management International Conference 2008, Vol 2, pg: 645-650
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak and Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon
  55. 2008: Interface For Search Engine Query Recording [Poster Paper] View HTML
    Proceedings of Malaysian Science and Technology Congress, 16-17 Dec., pp: 784-790.
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin and Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  56. 2007: Repositori Maya: Kit Maklumat Fakulti
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan e-Komuniti 2007 “Merapatkan Jurang Digital: Inisiatif Malaysia”, Pusat Kajian E-Komuniti, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 10-11 Dis. 2007
    Zulikha Jamaludin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  57. 2007: Identifying The Location and Magnitude of Non-Revenue Water: A Case Study at Felda Chuping, Perlis
    Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Engineering & ICT (ICEI), Vol. 2, pp: 857-860, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, 27-28 Nov. 2007.
    Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar, & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  58. 2007: Managing Water Loss for Sustainability of Rural Water Supply
    The Rural ICT Development Conference (RICTD07), 20-21 Nov. 2007, Faculty of Information Technology, Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar
  59. 2007: Felda Chuping Non-Revenue Water Management System
    Malaysian Science and Technology Congress, 4-6 Sept., pp: 71-78.
    Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  60. 2007: e-Environment in Education: UUM's Perspective
    Paper presented at the International Conference and Workshop on e-Learning Strategies: Edutainment 12th - 17th March 2007, Bangkok and Surin Island 2007.
    Mohd Noor Abdul Hamid, Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon, Jasni Ahmad and Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  61. 2005: E-Publishing to Support E-Learning
    Prosiding Konvensyen Teknologi Penididikan ke-18, pp.: 496-500, Persatuan Teknologi Pendidikan Malaysia.
    Jasni Ahmad, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon
  62. 2005: A Portal For Conferences
    Prosiding Seminar Sosio-Ekonomi dan IT ke-3, Universiti Utara Malaysia [Indexed by: CiteSeer]
    Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Noor Hazlin Abdul Rahman
  63. 2005: Model Forum Intelek (Mfi): Komunikasi dalam Penerbitan Akademik
    Prosiding Seminar Sosio-Ekonomi dan IT ke-3, Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Jasni Ahmad, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon
  64. 2005: Web Based System to Support NRW Management: A Study on Perlis Water Management
    Prosiding Seminar Sosio-Ekonomi dan IT ke-3, Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Muhammad Shahbani Abu Bakar, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  65. 2005: Teknologi E-Penerbitan Bagi Menyokong Pengajaran dan PembelajaranView HTML
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan ICT dalam Pendidikan 17-19 Nov. 2005. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.
    Jasni Ahmad, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, & Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon
  66. 2005: E-Publishing to Support E-Learning: Towards E-Environment in Education
    Proceedings of an International Symposium on E-Learning 25 - 26 July 2005. Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
    Jasni Ahmad, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, & Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon
  67. 2005: E-Journal and E-Proceeding Environment: Practical Development GuidesView HTML
    Prosiding Bengkel Penerbitan Elektronik Kebangsaan. Kolej Universiti Teknikal Kebangsaan Malaysia, pp.: 16-28.
    Norshuhada Shiratuddin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, & Shahizan Hassan
  68. 2005: Modeling The Perlis Non Revenue Water
    Proc. of the First International Conf. on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (CD-ROM), Sharjah, U.A.E. Feb. 1-3, 2005.
    Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar, & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  69. 2004: Expert System in Supporting Business: The Challenge and Future Prospect
    In Shazali Abu Mansor, Rujhan Mustafa, Puah Chin Hong, Lo May Chiun, Salbiah Edman, Dayang Affizah Awang Marikan, and Rossazana Abd. Rahim, Proc. of International Borneo Business Conf. 2004. pp: 279 - 287, Kota Kinabalu Sabah.
    Nor Rafidah Mohamad, Norlia Md Yusof, & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  70. 2004: JOMS: Ke Arah E-Pengurusan dalam Penerbitan Jurnal
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Komunikasi ke-2, Langkawi, Kedah. Vol. 2 pp.: 386-394.
    Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, & Jasni Ahmad
  71. 2004: Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat bagi Menyokong Pengajaran dan PembelajaranView HTML
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Komunikasi ke-2, Langkawi, Kedah. Vol. 1 pp.: 297-303.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  72. 2004: Towards Forecasting Business Prepaid Mobile Using Neural Network TechnologyView HTML
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains Pemutusan 2004, Universiti Utara Malaysia, pp.: 406-412.
    Shuzlina Abdul Rahman, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, & Tg. Halim Tg. Othman@Tg. Ramli
  73. 2004: Integrasi Rangkaian Neural dan Logik Kabur dalam Sistem PakarView HTML
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains Pemutusan 2004, Universiti Utara Malaysia, pp.: 110-116.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  74. 2004: Pembangunan Sistem Berasaskan Web: Ke Arah e-PemutusanView HTML
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains Pemutusan 2004, Universiti Utara Malaysia, pp.: 46-54.
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  75. 2004: Designing and Developing CMS for KMICE 2004: An ExperienceView HTML
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sosio-Ekonomi dan IT ke-2, Jilid 2, pp.: 585-590, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
    Wan Hussain bin Wan Ishak & Syamsul Bahrin bin Zaibon
  76. 2004: A Framework for JOMS: A ProposalView HTML
    Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sosio-Ekonomi dan IT ke-2, Jilid 2, pp.: 625-631, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
    Jasni Ahmad, Wan Hussain bin Wan Ishak, & Syamsul Bahrin bin Zaibon
  77. 2004: Pengajian Empat Tahun: Satu Keperluan Pengijazahan kepada Graduan ICT di IPTAView HTML
    Persidangan Pendidikan ICT Negara 20-21 Mei 2004, Jilid 2, pp: 13-17, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
    Md Zahir Mat Cha & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  78. 2004: Intelligent System Approaches to Enhance Knowledge Management in Organization: Preliminary StudyView HTML
    In Norshuhada Shiratuddin, Shahizan Hassan, Nooraini Yusoff, Mohamed Ali Saip and Amida Abdullah, Proceedings of Knowledge Management International Conference & Exhibition (KMICE 2004), Penang, pp.: 254 - 259.
    Asma Hanee binti Ariffin, Abdul Razak Rahmat & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  79. 2003: Neural Network in Handwritten Recognition System: A Survey
    Proceedings of National ICT Seminar. UITM (Arau-Perlis) (pp.: 132-140).
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Shuzlina Abdul Rahman
  80. 2003: Conference Management System: An Online DSS for Conference Secretariat: Dalam Engku Muhammad Nazri Engku Abu Bakar, Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains Pemutusan 2003 (15-16 Okt. 2003), Sekolah Kuantitatif, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah (pp. 115 - 120).
    Syamsul Bahrin bin Zaibon, Wan Hussain bin Wan Ishak, Abdul Razak bin Rahmat & Mohd Sobri bin Minai
  81. 2003: Conference Management System to Manage Conference Information On-Line [Poster Paper]
    In Investing in Innovation 2003, Vol 4: Information Technology and Communication, ed. Ramlan Mahmood et al., pp191 - 194. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
    Wan Hussain bin Wan Ishak, Syamsul Bahrin bin Zaibon, Abdul Razak bin Rahmat & Mohd Sobri bin Minai
  82. 2002: Sistem Sokongan Pemutusan Pintar dalam Perubatan
    Dalam Engku Muhammad Nazri Engku Abu Bakar, Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains Pemutusan (22-23 Julai 2002), Sekolah Kuantitatif, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah (pp. 59-63).
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadzilah Siraj & Abu Talib Othman
  83. 2002: Multi-Backpropagation Network
    In Sazali Yaacob, R. Nagarajan, Ali Chekima (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology (pp: 679-682). June 17-18 2002, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadzilah Siraj & Abu Talib Othman
  84. 2001: Multi-Backpropation Network in Medical Diagnosis
    Proceeding of Seminar Kepintaran Buatan - AIS 2001, 1, 2 & 3 Nov. 2001 (CD-ROM). Universiti Utara Malaysia.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadzilah Siraj & Abu Talib Othman
  85. 2001: Intelligent Knowledge Management In Medical Applications
    Proceeding of Knowledge Management 2001 International Conference and Exhibition (CD-ROM). Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadzilah Siraj & Abu Talib Othman
  86. 2001: Research In Intelligent System: Problems in Gathering KnowledgeView HTML
    Proceeding of Knowledge Management 2001 International Conference and Exhibition (CD-ROM). Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia.
    Fadzilah Siraj, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Zulhazlin Abas
  87. 2001: Implementasi Kepintaran Buatan Dalam Perubatan [Poster Paper]
    Dalam Mohd Yusof Hj. Othman, Idris Abd. Ghani, Musa Ahmad dan Supian Samat, Prosiding Persidangan Kebangsaan Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam 2001 (25-26 Okt. 2001). pp: 822-828, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadzilah Siraj & Abu Talib Othman
  88. 2001: General Purpose Search and Classification Algorithms for Distributed Information AccessView HTML
    Dalam Hajah Mustafa Muhamed Hanefah, Prosiding Seminar Penyelidikan UUM ke-6 2000 (6 Julai 2000), pp; 258-271. Universiti Utara Malaysia.
    Fadzilah Siraj & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  89. 2001: Verifying On-Line Handwritten Signature Using Neural Networks Approach [Poster Paper]View HTML
    Dalam Hajah Mustafa Muhamed Hanefah, Prosiding Seminar Penyelidikan UUM ke-6 2000 (6 Julai 2000), pp; 298-315. Universiti Utara Malaysia.
    Fadzilah Siraj, Azizi Zakaria & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  90. 2000: Intelligent Interface to Support Intelligent Tutoring System
    Proceeding of National Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Development and Prospects (CD-ROM). Universiti Utara Malaysia.
    Fadzilah Siraj, Azizi Zakaria & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  91. 2000: Penggunaan WWW Sebagai Medium Pendidikan Interaktif
    Proceeding of National Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Development and Prospects (CD-ROM). Universiti Utara Malaysia.
    Fadzilah Siraj & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  92. 2000: Electronic Model for Interactive Teaching and Learning in Cyber Space: Towards Virtual UniversityView HTML
    Prosiding Persidangan Ulang Tahun Ke-30 UKM (5-6 Sept. 2000).Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
    Fadzilah Siraj & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  93. 2000: A Model for Web-Based Medical Diagnosis and PredictionView HTML
    Prosiding Persidangan Ulang Tahun Ke-30 UKM (5-6 Sept. 2000).Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadzilah Siraj
  94. 2000: Neural Networks Approch on On-line Handwritten Signature Verification System
    Prosiding Simposium Kebangsaan Teknologi Maklumat: ITSym'2K 11-12 April 2000. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
    Fadzilah Siraj, Azizi Zakaria, Azman Yassin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak

Paper Presented at Conferences/Workshops

  1. 2016: Adakah Kaedah Pembelajaran Teradun dan Berpusatkan Pelajar Meningkatkan Prestasi Pelajar?
    1st Inspirational Scholar Symposium, 5 Oct 2016, UTLC, UUM
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  2. 2016: A.I. The Revolution in Computing
    SOC Majoring Talk Workshop, 13 Dec 2016, Dkg 4/1, Itech Club
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  3. 2016: Proposal Writing: Guide for STIX3912 Student
    School of Computing Practicum Workshop, 16 Dec 2016, DKG 4/3
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  4. 2015: Investigating the Spatial Relationship between the Upstream Gauging Stations and the Reservoir
    3rd International Conference on Innovation and Information Management (ICIIM), Jan 17-18, 2015 Kuala Lumpur
    Suriyati Abdul Mokhtar, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Norita Md Norwawi
  5. 2015: Does User Search Behaviour Mediate User Knowledge and Search Satisfaction?
    2nd AFAP International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (AICEBM 2015), 10-11 January 2015, UTM KL & Johor
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, T. Ramayah, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  6. 2015: Modelling of Human Expert Decision Making in Reservoir Operation
    2nd AFAP International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (AICEBM 2015), 10-11 January 2015, UTM KL & Johor
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, and Norita Md Norwawi
  7. 2012: Generating Search Log by Interfacing Search Engine
    Seminar of Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management (SIRKM), Dec 12-13, 2012, UKM, Bangi, Malaysia. Organized by: Malaysian Research and Education Network (MYREN)
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, T. Ramayah, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  8. 2010: Reservoir Water Level Forecasting Model Using Neural NetworkView HTML
    International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Dec 9-11, 2010, Coimbatore, India. Organized by: GRG School of Applied Computer Technology.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, & Norita Md Norwawi
  9. 2006: Procedure in Developing Neural Network ModelView HTML
    Int. Conf. on Technology management (ICTM 2006). Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn.
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Siti Norezam Othman
  10. 2002: Research in Intelligent Medical System: Problems and SolutionsView HTML
    Seminar Cabaran Alaf Baru Pengurusan Organisasi daripada Perspektif Teknologi Maklumat (14 Julai 2002), Sekolah Teknologi Maklumat, Pusat Kovensyen, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadzilah Siraj and Abu Talib Othman
  11. 2001: Neural Network in Medical Application: A Review
    Presented at Second Symposium on Graduate Management Research (16-17 Oct. 2001), Graduate School, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadzilah Siraj and Abu Talib Othman
  12. 2001: Neural Network in Medical Prognosis [Abstact Only]View HTML
    Presented at Seminar Bulanan Kepintaran Buatan 2001 Siri 3/2001, Sekolah Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadzilah Siraj and Abu Talib Othman
  13. 2001: Artificial Intelligence in Decision-Making
    Presented at National Conference on Management Science: New Paradigms for the Knowledge Economy (19-20 June), Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak and Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  14. 2000: Pengurusan Pangkalan Data Berpusat Bagi Pesakit di Hospital
    Presented at Simposium Penyelidikan Pengurusan Siswazah 15-16 November 2000. Universiti Utara Malaysia.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Fadzilah Siraj & Abu Talib Othman
  15. 2000: Penggunaan Teknik Kepintaran Buatan bagi Menyokong Pendidikan Jarak JauhView HTML
    Presented at Seminar Kebangsaan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (31 Okt - 01 Nov. 2000). Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
    Fadzilah Siraj, Zulhazlin Abas, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  16. 2000: Electronic Model with Intelligent Interface for Interactive Web-Based Intelligent Tutoring SystemView HTML
    Presented at Learning 2000 (Sept. 28, 29, 30 & Oct. 01 2000). Virginia.
    Fadzilah Siraj, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Saedah Siraj
  17. 1999: Pendidikan Interaktif Melalui Ruang SiberView HTML
    Presented at Seminar Pembangunan Pendidikan Kebangsaan Universiti Malaya. Universiti Malaya.
    Fadzilah Siraj & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak


  1. 2007: Journal Online Management System [Abstract Only]
    Expo Penyelidikan dan Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa 10 - 12 Aug 2007, KL Convention Centre.
    Jasni Ahmad, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, & Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon
  2. 2007: Student-Organization Matching System for Practicum Placement [Abstract Only]
    Expo Penyelidikan dan Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa 10 - 12 Aug 2007, KL Convention Centre.
    Shahizan Hassan, Mohd Azlan yahya, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, & Abdul Razak Chik
  3. 2007: Web Based Non Revenue Water Component Identification and Management System [Abstract Only]
    Expo Penyelidikan dan Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa 10 - 12 Aug 2007, KL Convention Centre.
    Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar, & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  4. 2007: WebNRW: Web Based Non Revenue Water Management System [Abstract Only]
    Malaysia Technology Expo 29-31 Mac 2007, PWTC, KL.
    Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar, & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  5. 2007: Online Practicum Student Placement (OPSP) [Abstract Only]
    Expo 29-31 Mac 2007, PWTC, KL.
    Shahizan Hassan, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Mohd Azlan Yahya, & Abd. Razak Chik
  6. 2006: Web Based System for Non-Revenue Water Management [Abstract Only]
    Malaysia Technology Expo 23-25 Feb. 2006, PWTC, KL.
    Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar, & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  7. 2004: What, How and When to Use Knowledge in Neural Network Application [Abstract Only]
    Knowledge Management International Conference & Exhibition (KMICE 2004), Penang
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Shuzlina Ab. Rahman
  8. 2000: Pengesahan Tandatangan Dalam Talian Menggunakan Pendekatan Rangkaian Neural [Abstract Only]
    Sinopsis Penemuan Baru Hasil Penyelidikan, Pameran ITex 2000, 27-30 Sept. 2000, p: 81.
    Fadzilah Siraj & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak

Short Article

  1. 2010: Kalkulus Predikat
    Ensiklopedia Pengurusan. Jilid 3, pg: 1032-1033, UUM Press.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  2. 2005: Praktikum mengasah kemahiran pelajar BIT & BMM
    Buletin Praktikum Bil.1. Pg: 6, Pusat Praktikum, Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  3. 2005: Isu Pelajar di Organisasi
    Buletin Praktikum Bil.1. Pg: 5, Pusat Praktikum, Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  4. 2004: Multi-Backpropagation Network: Concept and Modeling
    Generation5: at the Forefront of Artificial Intelligence [Online] ( (Online article at:
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  5. 2004: Some Reviews on Distributed Learning in Neural Networks
    Generation5: at the Forefront of Artificial Intelligence [Online] ( (Online article at:
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  6. 2004: Notes on Neural Network Learning and Training
    Generation5: at the Forefront of Artificial Intelligence [Online] ( (Online article at:
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  7. 2004: The Potential of Neural Networks in Medical Applications
    Generation5: at the Forefront of Artificial Intelligence [Online] ( (Online article at:
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak

Workshop/Short Course Modules

  1. 2020: Microsoft Excel: Basic and Some Advance Functions (ISBN 978-967-2276-19-7), Workshop on "Be Pro with Excel, not just for making Tables"
    Organized by: Marketing Club, UUM. Date: 3 Mac 2019
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak & Fadhilah Mat Yamin
  2. 2020: Perniagaan dan Pemasaran Atas Talian (ISBN 978-967-2276-18-0)
    Organized by: FINDER UUM, 2020
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin &Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  3. 2014: Modul Market your Business using Facebook, Workshop on Digital Marketing using Social Media for SMEs Entrepeneurs 1.0
    Organized by: ITU-UUM. Date: 30 Mac 2014
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  4. 2012: Modul Bengkel Penyediaan Bahan Pembentangan Asas: Kenali PowerPoint
    Organized by: Universiti Teaching and Learning Center (UTLC), UUM. Date: 28 Mac 2012
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  5. 2011: Modul Carian Maklumat dalam Persekitaran Web UUM, Kursus Kemahiran Belajar Akademik (SLSS)
    Organized by: Universiti Teaching and Learning Center (UTLC), UUM
    Fadhilah Mat Yamin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  6. 2009: Modul Bengkel Direktori dan Laman Web Homestay Malaysia (2nd Ed)
    Organized by: Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia & Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan UUM
    Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Kalsom Kayat, & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  7. 2009: Modul Bengkel Asas Perkomputeran bagi Pengusaha Homestay Negeri Perak, 11 Mei 2009
    Organized by: Majlis Tindakan Pelancongan Negeri Perak & Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan UUM
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  8. 2008: Modul Bengkel Direktori dan Laman Web Homestay Malaysia (1st Ed)
    Organized by: Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia & Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan UUM
    Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Kalsom Kayat, & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  9. 2007: Modul Bengkel Pembinaan Laman Web, 8 Mac 2007
    Organized by: Pusat Pengajaran & Pembelajaran Universiti, UUM.
    Zulikha Jamaludin & Wan Hussain Wan Ishak

Teaching Modules

  1. 2018: Computer Application in Management Module
    School of Computing, UUM: Malaysia (ISBN 978-967-2276-00-5)
    Mohd Rushdi Idrus, Yousef Fazea, Azmi Md Saman, Rohaya Dahari, Juhaida Abu Bakar, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Azizi Abas, Fazli Azzali, Nor Farzana Abd Ghani, Noradila Nordin & Rosmadi Bakar
  2. 2012: Module STIN2023 Pengaturcaraan Logic
    School of Computing, Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak
  3. 2005: Modul Kepintaran Buatan
    Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Norita Md Norwawi, Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Nooraini Yusoff, Azizi Ab Aziz, Mohd Shamrie Sainin, Azman Yasin, Shuzlina Ab Rahman
  4. 2005: Modul Pengaturcaraan Logik
    Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
    Wan Hussain Wan Ishak, Norita Md Norwawi, Nooraini Yusoff, dan Mohd Shamrie Sainin